SUMMER SCHOOL “Writing global medieval history: comparative and connected approaches”

Alla fine del percorso di valutazione, il Comitato Scientifico della Summer School THP Writing global medieval history: comparative and connected approaches ha selezionato i seguenti candidati quali partecipanti alla Summer School, che si terrà a Palazzo d’Azeglio nel periodo 6-8 settembre:

  • Beyza Topuz, Demir, Ethno-Religious Otherness in Early Modern Istanbul: Social Topography and Intra-Urban Mobility of Non-Muslims from 1600 to 1750
  • Bonomelli Gabriele, Fiction and politics in the longue durée. A comparative approach to Medieval and Early Modern fictitious libels
  • Carotenuto Nicola, Trade, Traders, and Institutions in Late Medieval Venice
  • Cui Chen, Blowing Across Medieval Eurasia: Global Wind in Intellectual History and Marco Polo’s “Le Devisement dou Monde”
  • Di Bella Giovanni, L’Europa cristiana e i Tartari: rapporti missionari, diplomatici e culturali tra il XIV e il XV secolo
  • Heywood Susie, The Virtue of Prudence in Giles of Rome’s De Regimine Principum
  • Janik Mateusz, Between Metaphysics and Politics: Neo-Confucianism and Monism in the Early Modern European Thought
  • Panetta Odile Liliana, Punishment and the body in early modern Reformed thought
  • Stanek Luke, Immediate Dangers: Women, Men, and Sexual Violence in Maritime Asia, 10th-13th centuries
  • Xi Fang Flavia, Smelly Ghosts and Mutton-Reeking Barbarians: The Politics of Olfaction in Medieval China
  • Zekun  Zhang, From War to Peace: Changing Paths to Enslavement for Koreans in Tang China, 600-900
  • Zennaro Nicolò, “Un fortunoso anno”. The mercantile future in late medieval Venice

La Fondazione 1563 ringrazia tutti i candidati per la loro partecipazione.