Enlightenment legacy: the rights of man in a global perspective
International Summer School
Turin Humanities Programme – THP
The Turin Humanities Programme Summer School “Enlightenment legacy: the rights of man in a global perspective” intends to elucidate, from a global perspective, a fundamental – although often neglected – aspect of the legacy of the Enlightenment to better understand its enduring and controversial presence over time in the fields of politics, society, law, and economics.
Namely, the Summer School will focus on the political and constitutional language of the rights of man, seen as the most lasting legacy of the cultural revolution through which the Enlightenment changed the course of global history, acting as a “laboratory of modernity”.
The Summer School will engage with the Enlightenment’s transformation of the old moral concept of natural rights into the modern political language of the “rights of man” and will explore the controversial affirmation and metamorphoses of the Enlightenment’s culture of rights in a global context since the French Revolution.
Scientific Coordination: Vincenzo Ferrone and Valentina Altopiedi, Giuseppe Grieco, Alessandro Maurini

9.00-9.30am Welcome and registration
9.30-9.45am Institutional Greetings – Piero Gastaldo
FIRST SESSION Chair: Piero Gastaldo
9.45-10.30am Lecture | Enlightenment Legacy: between individual rights and collective rights – Vincenzo Ferrone
10.30-11.15am Lecture | Que reste-t-il des Lumières? Les droits de l’homme à l’épreuve de la critique post-coloniale – Céline Spector
11.15-11.45am Coffee break
SECOND SESSION Chair: Graham Clure
11.45am1.00pm Participants’ Research Projects – Part I – Participants
1.00-2.00pm Lunch break
2.00-3.00pm Visit to Museo Nazionale del Risorgimento Italiano
3.30-5.00pm Participants’ Research Projects – Part II – Participants
THIRD SESSION Chair: Vincenzo Ferrone
5.00-5.45pm Lecture | Rights, Constitutions, and Liberalism – Dan Edelstein
5.45-6.30pm Lecture | Writing the History of Human Rights: Some Personal Reflections – Lynn Hunt
FIRST SESSION Chair: Céline Spector
9.15-9.45am Lecture | Rousseau’s Last Masterpiece: The Political Institutions of Poland – Graham Clure
9.45-10.15am Lecture | The Greek Republican Tradition’s legacy and the movement of immediate abolitionism in the early 19th century – Ariane Fichtl
10.15-10.45am Lecture | The Scottish Enlightenment and the Politics of “Modern History” – Tom Pye
10.45-11.15am Lecture | Biological Mythmaking and the Power of Visual Embodiment – Brynne McBryde
11.15-11.45am Coffee break
11.45am1.00pm Panel Session: The challenge of global intellectual history: ongoing and new research projects – Fellows and participants
1.00-2.00pm Lunch break
SECOND SESSION Chair: Nicholas Cronk
2.00-2.30pm Europe and East Asia before modernity: the challenge of comparative intellectual histories – Serena Ferente
2.30-2.45pm Lecture | Bodies at War: The Imperial, Divine and National Bodies in a Medieval Japanese Esoteric Buddhist Text – Yaara Morris
2.45-3.00pm Lecture | The Blood, Breath, and Sinews of the State: Governing the Fiscal Health of the Body-Politic – Giorgio Lizzul
3.00-3.15pm Lecture | All Things as “One-Body” (yi ti). Virtue, Order and Corporeity in the Philosophy of Zhu Xi 朱– Rudi Capra
3.15-3.30pm Lecture | Medieval Corpus and its Parts through Corpus-based Semantics – Evgeniya Shelina
3.30-4pm Lecture | The Rights of Man and the Burden of Women. Mind and Body in Eighteenth-Century Moral and Political Thought – Valentina Altopiedi
EVENING SESSION Chair: Piero Gastaldo
6.00-7.00pm Lecture | Music of Light. How the great musicians helped to shape and represent the Enlightenment – Giovanni Bietti
7.00-7.30pm Classical Music Concert Beethoven – Op. 135 – QuartettOCMantova
7.30-8.30pm Visit to Palazzo Carignano and light refreshments.
FIRST SESSION Chair: Ariane Fichtl
9.30-10.15am Lecture | Digital Enlightenment at the Voltaire Foundation – Nicholas Cronk
10.15-11.00 am Lecture | Naturalrightshistory.unito.it: the historical foundations of human rights – Alessandro Maurini
11.00-11.30am Coffee break
SECOND SESSION Chair: Brynne McBryde
11.30-12.00am Lecture | International Law and National Self-Determination. Globalizing Rights in the Nineteenth century – Giuseppe Grieco
12.00-12.30am Final remarks – Piero Gastaldo

Enlightenment legacy: the rights of man in a global perspective
Editors: Vincenzo Ferrone, Valentina Altopiedi, Giuseppe Grieco e Alessandro Maurini
Publisher: Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura della Compagnia di San Paolo
Year: 2022
Language: inglese
Pages: 88 pp.
About the THP Summer School 2022
Serena Ferente, Professor of Medieval History in the History Department of the University of Amsterdam and the Director of Studies of the second research cycle of the Turin Humanities Programme (2022-2024)
Brynne McBryde, Junior Fellow THP
Luis De la Peña, student of the Ph.D. in Historical Studies at the University of Florence
Junior Fellows
Enlightenment legacy: the rights of man in a global perspective
Political Thought and the Body: Europe and East Asia, ca. 1100-1650
Francisco J. Bellido Sánchez defended his first doctoral thesis at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland (Social Sciences) in 2020 and his second thesis at the University of Málaga, Spain (Philosophy) in 2022. His research interests are constitutionalism, the rule of law, and classical republicanism.
Auguste Bertholet is completing his doctoral dissertation in the Department of History at the University of Lausanne. His research concerns the Swiss political and economic thought of the late eighteenth century. His previous work includes research on Mirabeau the Elder’s correspondence with Sacconay.
Jacopo Bonasera earned a Master Degree in History from the University of Bologna in 2017. On that occasion, he worked on a thesis on melancholy and prophetism in the political thought of Thomas Hobbes. In 2018 he started his PhD studies in History, Cultures, and Global Politics at the University of Bologna. He earned his PhD in 2022, discussing a thesis entitled «A Plausible Science for an Elusive Object. Population, Society, and Government in the Political Thought of T.R. Malthus». His current research regards the concepts of people and population, the interactions between natural and social sciences in the XIX century, and contemporary Neo-Malthusian environmentalism. He authored articles and reviews published in the Italian journals «Filosofia Politica» and «Scienza&Politica».
Graduated cum laude in Historical Sciences at the University of Florence (first reader: Rolando Minuti), Giacomo Carmagnini is currently a PhD student in Historical Studies at the Universities of Florence and Siena (supervisor: Luca Mannori), together with the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne due to a cotutelle program (co-supervisor: Pierre Serna).
Gabriele Caruso is a first-year Ph.D student working under the supervision of Professor Pasquale Palmieri in History, Archaeology and Art History at University of Napoli “Federico II”. His main field of research is focused on history of news in Early Modern History. He is particularly interested in gazettes and “avvisi” that circulated in Italy in the XVII century. He graduated with honours from the University of Bologna (Master’s degree 2019) and Palermo (Bachelor’s degree 2017). He holds first-level Professional Master’s Programmes in Archival, Diplomatic and Paleography (A.Di.P.) at University of Ferrara and second-level Professional Master’s Programmes in Public and Digital History at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
Luis De la Peña is currently a student of the Ph.D. in Historical Studies at the University of Florence, a historian from the National University of Colombia, with an MA in Comparative History from the Central European University. His main topics of research are focused temporally on the age of revolutions and geographically in Latin America and the Balkans, with a special interest in military history, public history, and intellectual history.
Aris Della Fontana is a Ph.D. Candidate at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa and at the Université de Lausanne. His doctoral research is on eighteenth-century Venetian economic reform debates, with a particular emphasis on the reception of European political economy.
Gabriel Darriulat is a Ph.D student in political philosophy at Sorbonne University under the supervision of Professor Céline Spector. His research focuses on political philosophy at the age of the Enlightenment with a particular attention on Condorcet and Rousseau. His interests in the Enlightenment studies cover many fields of research (collective decision-making, republicanism, rights of man, etc.) with a particular emphasis on the international communication of ideas and problems.
Fabio Di Nunno holds a PhD in History of International Relations at “Sapienza” University of Rome, after a master in European Political and Administrative Studies at College of Europe of Bruges, a degree in International Relations and Diplomacy at the University of Naples “L’Orientale” and a degree in Public and business communication at the University of Naples “Suor Orsola Benincasa”.
Davide Di Sabatino is a student in the 2nd cycle degree programme in Philosophical Sciences at the University of Padua. His academic interests include the birth of early-modern political concepts, the philosophy of history and the philosophy of language. Extra-academic interests include LGBT+ activism, jazz and electronic music.
Ilaria Ferrara, Ph.D. in Philosophy at the University of Turin, international Ph.D. candidate in Philadelphia (U.S.A.) and currently post-doc researcher at the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies (IISF) in Naples. Her field of research is on Kant and the theory of emotions, between politics and neuroscience. At the same time, she has a research project on the political thought of the Italian Risorgimento.
Camilla Froio earned her PhD at the University of Florence, Italy, with a dissertation on the legacy of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing’s Laokoon in America throughout the XIXth and the XXth century, focusing in particular on Clement Greenberg’s Marxist interpretation of the German treatise. Moreover, she became a fellow of the Center for Italian Modern Art, New York, where she studied the reception of Alberto Pasini’s Orientalist paintings in Gilded Age America. She is currently Cultrice della Materia at the University of Florence.
Samuel Harrison is the holder of the Derek Brewer Studentship at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, studying the evolution of the concept of citizenship over the course of the French Revolution. He was previously an editor of “Doing History in Public”.
Jesper Lundsby Skov is a Danish historian with a PhD (2019) from the University of Southern Denmark about the political interpretations of civil rights in the Danish constitution 1840-1953. He has been a postdoc at the University of Copenhagen, and he is currently a postdoc at the University of Oslo on a project about the emergence of a Scandinavian concept of civil rights in the late Enlightenment.
Vanessa Massuchetto is a junior postdoctoral fellow at the Maria Sibylla Merian Centre Conviviality-Inequality in Latin America, and holds a Ph.D. in Law (Legal History) from the Federal University of Paraná. Her research interests are women’s experiences, agencies, and convivialities; gender relations; confrontation and social conflicts; criminal and ecclesiastical justices; and social uses of justice throughout the Early Modern Period in the Iberian American World.
Radoslaw Szymanski is a doctoral candidate in modern history at the University of Lausanne, working on an unpublished eighteenth-century project of political reform of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, looking at how a certain strand of modern moral philosophy and natural law informed thinking about affecting societal change under the conditions of deep economic inequalities.